I am Associate Professor of Political Science at LUISS Guido Carli in Rome. I am Deputy director of CISE (Italian Center for Electoral Studies) and member of ITANES (Italian National Election Studies).
My research focuses mainly on elections, cleavage politics, party competition, and party system change.
I have published articles on several national and international journals such as, among others, European Journal of Political Research, Comparative Political Studies, Perspectives on Politics, Party Politics, West European Politics, Government and Opposition, South European Society and Politics, and Comparative European Politics. I have co-edited seven e-books on Italian local and national elections and the European Parliament elections published by CISE, and I am the author of several book chapters focusing on party systems, voting behaviour, Italian and European politics.
My first monograph, entitled 'Cleavages, institutions, and competition. Understanding vote nationalization in Western Europe (1965-2015)', has been published by Rowman and Littlefield/ECPR Press. My second monograph, entitled 'The deinstitutionalization of Western European party systems' has been published by Palgrave Macmillan.
I have also collaborated with national and international newspapers and magazines such as Monkey Cage - Washington Post, Veja, El Mercurio, Il Sole 24 Ore, La Repubblica-Palermo, Luiss Open, Il Sud, and the online blog of Fondazione Etica. I have appeared on national and international broadcasters such as SKYTG24, RaiNews24, TGCOM24, RAI2, France24, ClassCNBC, ARD, Een Vandaag, TeleVisa, TG Poste.
Here is a detailed list of my current activities:
Current Position and qualification
- Associate Professor in Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome
- National scientific qualification for Full Professorship (since 3/10/2022)
Other current activities
- Principal Investigator of the 2022 PRIN Project 'NEWCOMING' (New Conflicts' mapping in the Age of Globalization)
- Deputy director of CISE (Italian Center for Electoral Studies)
- Co-Chair of the SISP Standing Group POPE (Parties, Public Opinion, Elections)
- Member of ITANES (Italian National Election Studies)
- Member of the SISP Standing Groups C&LS (Candidate and Leader Selection)
- Member of the ECPR Standing Groups on Political Parties, Southern European Politics, Public Opinion and Voting Behaviour in a Comparative Perspective
- Member of the Board of Professors of the LUISS Ph.D. in Politics
- Coordinator of the Luiss Research Cluster of Excellence 'Elections and Political Systems'
- LUISS Teaching Area Leader for Political Science (SPS/04)
Past activities
- Member of the SISP (Italian Society of Political Science) Executive Committee (2021-2023)
- Co-Chair of the Research Network ‘Political Parties, Party Systems and Elections’ del Council for European Studies (2018-2021)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Italian Political Science (2019-2022)
- Associate Editor of Frontiers in Political Science - Elections and Representation (2020-2024)
On this website you can find information about myself, my research, and my teaching through the menu bar at the top of the page.