4/12/2024 - Bologna: Coauthor of the paper 'The 2024 European Parliament elections in Italy' with D. Garzia at the Politica in Italia/Italian Politics seminar, John Hopkins University SAIS Europe.
18/10/2024 - Rome: Chair of the panel 'Il contesto del voto' at the SISE Conference 'Le elezioni europee 2024: comportamento degli elettori, strategie dei partiti, nuove modalità di partecipazione', Palazzo del Viminale.
13/9/2024 - Trieste: Chair of the panel 'The 2024 European Parliament elections in Southern Europe:
Reassessing the national-European political dynamics’ at the 2024 SISP General Conference.
13/9/2024 - Trieste: Co-Chair of the panel '‘Rokkan, the globalisation cleavage or a multitude of new conflicts? Political divides in Europe’ with Mirko Crulli at the 2024 SISP General Conference.
13/9/2024 - Trieste: Coauthor of the paper 'Bringing Rokkan to the 21st Century: the cleavage structure of Western Europe' with Mirko Crulli at the 2024 SISP General Conference.
13/9/2024 - Trieste: Coauthor of the paper 'Lipset and Rokkan meet data: the electoral structuring of traditional cleavages, 1870-1967' with Bruno Marino at the 2024 SISP General Conference.
5/7/2024 - Florence: Coauthor of the paper 'L'Europa meridionale e il modello di secondo ordine: aspettative teoriche ed evidenze empiriche a confronto' with A. Paparo at the 2024 SISE seminar 'Un voto per l'Europa? Le elezioni europee 2024', University of Florence.
6/6/2024 - Rome: Chair of the Panel 'The Politics of the European Union' at the Annual Postgraduate Conference, Luiss.
29/5/2024 - Rome: Participant in the roundtable 'Le elezioni europee 2024: sfide e scenari', Luiss.
3/5/2024 - Florence: Paper and presentation "La presenza didattica della Scienza Politica" with Bruno Marino at Seminario SISP ‘La Scienza Politica Italiana. 50 anni dopo’, Scuola Normale Superiore.
23/4/2024 - Caserta: Presentation 'Il ricorso alla tecnocrazia come soluzione al dilemma responsibility vs. responsiveness? Il ruolo del contesto elettorale', Convegno ‘ Tecnocrazia. Prospettive teoriche e disciplinari a confronto’, Università della Campania ‘L. Vanvitelli’.
5/4/2024 - Chicago: Paper and presentation 'The ‘Dataset of ideological polarization in Western Europe’: data, trends, drivers, and links with other key party system properties (1945-2021)' with Bruno Marino at the 81st Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
25/3/2024 - Lüneburg: Co-author of the paper 'Lipset and Rokkan meet data: the electoral structuring of traditional cleavages, 1870-1967' with Bruno Marino at the 2024 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshop, Leuphana University.
15/9/2023 - Genoa: Co-Chair of the panel 'Party competition and the restructuring of European party systems between old and new conflicts' with Bruno Marino at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
15/9/2023 - Genoa: Paper and presentation 'Party System Types and Party Non-systems in Western Europe' with Alessandro Chiaramonte and Marco Improta at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
14/9/2023 - Genoa: Coauthor of the paper 'Territorio e voto in Italia: una nuova proposta di analisi' with Matteo Cataldi and Nicola Maggini at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
14/9/2023 - Genoa: Paper and presentation 'Il sistema partitico italiano dopo le elezioni del 2022: il processo di deistituzionalizzazione continua' with Alessandro Chiaramonte and Elisa Volpi at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
14/9/2023 - Genoa: Paper and presentation 'Ideological polarization in Western European party systems: a new dataset' with Bruno Marino at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
18/7/2023 - Buenos Aires: Coauthor of the paper 'Left power and the reduction of inequalities in Western Europe (1871-2020)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2023 IPSA World Congress.
17/7/2023 - Buenos Aires: Paper and presentation 'The consequences of technocracy on electoral participation: Evidence from Western Europe (1945-2022)' with Davide Angelucci and Marco Improta at the 2023 IPSA World Congress.
29/6/2023 - Reykjavik: Paper and presentation 'The disconnect between social democratic electoral support and governmental power in Western Europe (1871-2022)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2023 CES Conference.
29/5/2023 - Florence: Paper and presentation 'Territorio e voto in Italia: una nuova proposta di analisi' with Matteo Cataldi and Nicola Maggini at the CISE seminar 'Un polo solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2022'.
29/5/2023 - Florence: Paper and presentation 'Il sistema partitico italiano dopo le elezioni del 2022: il processo di deistituzionalizzazione continua' with Alessandro Chiaramonte and Elisa Volpi at the CISE seminar 'Un polo solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2022'.
26/5/2023 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'Territorio e voto in Italia: una nuova proposta di analisi' with Matteo Cataldi and Nicola Maggini at the 2023 SISE International Conference.
26/5/2023 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'Party system types and party non-systems in Western Europe' with Alessandro Chiaramonte and Marco Improta at the 2023 SISE International Conference.
26/5/2023 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'The consequences of technocracy on electoral participation: Evidence from Western Europe (1945-2021)' with Davide Angelucci and Marco Improta at the 2023 SISE International Conference.
26/5/2023 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'The disconnect between left electoral support and governmental power in
Western Europe (1918-2022)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2023 SISE International Conference.
15/12/2022 - Bologna: Presentation 'Le tre Italie. Voto e territorio nelle elezioni 2022 e confronto con i dati Itanes', ITANES seminar, University of Bologna.
12/12/2022 - Florence: Presentation of the book 'The Deinstitutionalization of Western European Party Systems' (Palgrave 2022) with A. Chiaramonte, CIRES seminar, University of Florence.
28/11/2022 - Milan: Invited speaker at the seminar for the presentation of the book 'Consequences of context. How the Social, Political, and Economic Environment Affects Voting' organized by the spsTREND Lab, University of Milan.
25/11/2022 - Bologna: Presentation 'Il sistema partitico italiano dopo le elezioni del 2022: il processo di deistituzionalizzazione continua' with Alessandro Chiaramonte at the SISE post-electoral seminar 'Elezioni politiche 2022: il boom della destra'.
3/11/2022 - Siena: Coauthor of the paper 'Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility in electorally turbulent times' with Marco Improta, Bruno Marino, and Luca Verzichelli at the Pactum CIRCaP seminar, University of Siena.
19/10/2022 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Left power and the reduction of inequalities in Western Europe' with Federico Trastulli at the Robert Elgie Brown Bag Seminar, Sapienza University of Rome.
6/10/2022 - Rome: Presentation 'Il voto del 25 settembre: discussione a partire dalle analisi del CISE' with all the CISE team at Luiss, Rome.
6/10/2022 - Florence: Presentation 'Le elezioni politiche 2022' as invited speaker at CGIL.
10/9/2022 - Rome: co-Chair of the panel 'The Transformation of European Party Systems' with Marco Valbruzzi at the 2022 SISP General Conference.
10/9/2022 - Rome: Coauthor of the paper 'The disconnect between left electoral support and governmental power in
Western Europe (1918-2021)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2022 SISP General Conference.
9/9/2022 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'The consequences of technocracy on electoral participation: Evidence from Western Europe (1945-2021)' with Davide Angelucci and Marco Improta at the 2022 SISP General Conference.
12/4/2022 - Virtual event: Coauthor of the paper 'Love interrupted? Left power and the pursuit of equality in Western Europe (1900-2020)' with Federico Trastulli presented at the Sciences Po Paris seminar.
10/11/2021 - Rome: Discussant of the paper 'The Left-Right dimension, Europe and Voting in Bailout Europe' by Lea Heyne, Marina Costa Lobo and Roberto Pannico at the Robert Elgie Brown Bag Seminar, Sapienza University of Rome.
11/9/2021 - Virtual event: co-Chair of the panel 'The Left behind: crisis and challenges of the Left in contemporary democracies' with Davide Angelucci at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
11/9/2021 - Virtual event: Coauthor of the paper 'Love interrupted? Left power and the pursuit of equality in Western Europe (1900-2020)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
11/9/2021 - Virtual event: Paper and presentation 'Class cleavage structuring in Western Europe: a sealed fate?' at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
9/9/2021 - Virtual event: Paper and presentation 'La competizione politica in Italia' with Alessandro Chiaramonte at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
9/9/2021 - Virtual event: Coauthor of the paper 'Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility after electoral change in Western Europe' at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
9/9/2021 - Virtual event: Discussant of the paper 'Are we all in the same boat? Voting in critical times in Southern Europe' by Marco Giuliani (University of Milan) at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
14/7/2021 - Virtual event: Paper and presentation 'Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility after electoral change in Western Europe' with Marco Improta, Bruno Marino, and Luca Verizchelli the 26th IPSA World Congress.
24/6/2021 - Virtual event: Chair of the Panel 'Populism and Niche Parties in a Changing Environment'at the 27th International Conference of Europeanists.
22/6/2021 - Virtual event: Paper and presentation 'Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility after electoral change in Western Europe' with Marco Improta, Bruno Marino, and Luca Verizchelli at the 27th International Conference of Europeanists.
16/6/2021 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Love interrupted? Left power and the pursuit of equality in Western Europe (1871-2020)' at the CISE seminar series, Luiss.
25/5/2021 - Siena: Paper and presentation 'Love interrupted? Left power and the pursuit of equality in Western Europe (1871-2020)' at the CIRCaP Jean Blondel Tuesday Seminar, University of Siena.
21/4/2021 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'A sealed fate? Modeling class cleavage structuring in Western Europe' at the DiSP Research Seminar, Luiss.
6/12/2019 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Bloc without foundations. Class cleavage strength and class bloc support in Western Europe after WWII' at the 12th International Conference SISE, Luiss.
6/12/2019 - Rome: Coauthor of the paper 'Going out of the ordinary. The de-institutionalization of the Italian party system in comparative perspective', with Alessandro Chiaramonte at the 12th International Conference SISE, Luiss.
5/12/2019 - Rome: Chair and Discussant of the panel 'Elections and political participation' at the 12th International Conference SISE, Luiss.
5-6/12/2019 - Rome: Member of the Conference Scientific Board of the SISE 12th International Conference.
2/12/2019 - Florence: Paper and presentation 'Frattura di classe e voto ai partiti di sinistra in Europa occidentale: continuità e mutamenti tra il 1945 e il 2018', with Alessandro Chiaramonte, Consiglio regionale della Toscana.
22/11/2019 - Bologna: Paper and presentation ''The congealing of a new cleavage? The demarcation bloc between identity and competition in the European Parliament elections', with Bruno Marino and Davide Angelucci at the ITANES seminar.
16/11/2019 - Bologna: Paper and presentation 'Il successo di Salvini e il crollo del Movimento Cinque Stelle. Le elezioni europee del 2019' with A. Chiaramonte and L. De Sio at the seminar 'Politica in Italia/Italian Politics. Edizione 2020', John Hopkins School of advanced international studies.
16/11/2019 - Bologna: Discussant of the paper 'Separati ma non troppo: i partiti di centro destra tra governo e opposizione' by Elisabetta De Giorgi at the seminar 'Politica in Italia/Italian Politics. Edizione 2020', John Hopkins School of advanced international studies.
9-10/11/2019 - Loccum: Invited speaker at the Conference 'Italien - Im Würgegriff des Populismus? L’Italia nella morsa del populismo?', Evangelische Akademie Loccum.
5-6/12/2019 - Rome: Member of the Conference Scientific Board of the SISE 12th International Conference, LUISS.
14/9/2019 - Lecce: Paper and presentation 'The congealing of a new cleavage? The demarcation bloc between identity and competition in the European Parliament elections', with Bruno Marino and Davide Angelucci at the XXXIII SISP Conference.
14/9/2019 - Lecce: Coauthor of the paper 'Party system institutionalization and its consequences on democracy', with Alessandro Chiaramonte at the XXXIII SISP Conference.
13/9/2019 - Lecce: Coauthor of the paper 'Unexpected partners? The evolving political profiles of the Lega and M5S voters in Italy, 2013-2018 ', with Andres Santana and Jose Rama at the XXXIII SISP Conference.
12/9/2019 - Lecce: Paper and presentation 'Bloc without foundations? Class cleavage strength and class bloc electoral support in Western Europe after WWII', at the XXXIII SISP Conference.
29/8/2019 - Washington: Paper and presentation 'Party system de-institutionalization and its consequences on democracy', 114th APSA Conference.
4/7/2019 - Genoa: Paper and presentation 'The congealing of a new cleavage? The demarcation bloc in the European Parliament elections', SISE-POPE-ITANES Conference 'Europa al voto. Tra sfida nazionalista ed europeista', University of Genoa.
20/6/2019 - Madrid: Paper and presentation 'Party system de-institutionalization and its consequences on democracy', 26th International Conference of Europeanists, Carlos III University.
28/3/2019 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Party (system) crashers? Trajectories of genuinely new parties in Western Europe after 1945', with A. Sikk, LUISS CISE Seminar.
14/3/2019 - Rome: Coauthor of the paper 'Party Systems and Factionalism in Western Europe', with B. Marino, LUISS CISE Seminar.
6/12/2018 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Party system institutionalization: Towards a new, comprehensive approach', LUISS CISE Seminar.
6-8/9/2018 - Turin: Paper and presentation 'Il mutamento del sistema partitico italiano dopo le elezioni 2018', with A. Chiaramonte at the XXXII SISP Conference.
6-8/9/2018 - Turin: Paper and presentation 'Lo spazio della competizione e le strategie dei partiti', with N. Maggini and A. Paparo at the XXXII SISP Conference.
29/8-2/9/2018 - Boston: IPoster presentation 'Patterns of Party System De-Institutionalization in Western Europe. Towards a Comprehensive Approach', with A. Chiaramonte at the 2018 APSA General Conference, University of Boston.
22-25/8/2018 - Hamburg: Paper and presentation ‘Party (System) Crashers? Success and Failure of Genuinely New Parties in Western Europe (1945-2017)', with A. Sikk at the 2018 ECPR General Conference, University of Hamburg.
22-25/8/2018 - Hamburg: Paper and presentation ‘Patterns of Party System De-Institutionalization in Western Europe. Towards a Comprehensive Approach', with A. Chiaramonte at the 2018 ECPR General Conference, University of Hamburg.
25-26/6/2018 - Vienna: Coauthor of the paper 'The Hidden Side of Parties: The Effective Number of Factions in Western Europe (1965-2016) and its Determinants', with B. Marino and N.M. Diodati at the 2018 Party Congress Research Group Workshop ‘Intra-Party Politics in the Modern Era’, University of Vienna.
10/5/2018 - Salerno: Paper and presentation ‘Il terzo sistema partitico Gli effetti del Rosatellum e la nuova geografia del voto', with S. Vassallo at the SISE-SISP-ITANES Conference 'Elezioni politiche e regionali 2017-2018', at the University of Salerno.
22-23/3/2018 - Florence: Paper and presentation 'New parties and party system change in Western Euope', with A. Chiaramonte at the Conference 'Political parties in comparative perspective' held at Georgetown University and New York University in Florence.
16/9/2017 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'Il voto degli iscritti per l'elezione diretta del segretario. Partecipazione e competizione nei circoli del Pd', with S. Rombi at the XXXI SISP Conference.
15/9/2017 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'In search of the determinants of electoral volatility in 31 European polities: differences and similarities between West and East', with A. Chiaramonte and S. Soare at the XXXI SISP Conference.
14/9/2017 - Urbino: Coauthor of the paper 'The hidden side of parties. The Effective Number of Factions in Western Europe (1965-2015)', with B. Marino and N. Martocchia Diodati at the XXXI SISP Conference.
8/9/2017 - Oslo: Coauthor of the paper ‘Does the iron curtain still exist? The convergence in electoral volatility between Eastern and Western Europe since 1990’, with A. Chiaramonte and S. Soare at the ECPR General Conference.
12-14/7/2017 – Glasgow: Participation to the 24nd International Conference of the Europeanists ‘Sustainability and Transformation’ organized by CES (Council for European Studies), University of Glasgow.
1/6-31/7/2017: Visiting researcher at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Host and supervisor: Professor José Ramón Montero.
6/4/2017 - Chicago: Paper and presentation ‘Does the iron curtain still exist? The convergence in electoral volatility between Eastern and Western Europe since 1990’, with A. Chiaramonte and S. Soare at the 75th Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
14/1/2017 - Turin: Coauthor of the paper 'Does the iron curtain still exist? Trends and sources of electoral volatility between Eastern and Western Europe (1990-2016)' with S. Soare and A. Chiaramonte at the Political Studies Association’s Italian Politics and Antipolitics Specialist Groups 'European democracy under stress'.
15/11/2016 – Rome: Paper and presentation ‘Party system (de-)institutionalization: from theory to measurement’ at the LUISS lunch research seminar.
12/11/2016 - Bologna: Paper and presentation 'Le elezioni amministrative di giugno' with N. Maggini at the Political in Italia/Italian Politics Edizione 2017 Conference.
16/9/2016 - Milan: Paper and presentation 'A growing impact of new parties: mith or reality? Party system innovation in Western Europe after 1945' with A. Chiaramonte at the 2016 SISP General Conference.
16/9/2016 - Milan: Paper and presentation 'Does the iron curtain still exist? Trends and sources of electoral volatility between Eastern and Western Europe (1990-2015)' with A. Chiaramonte at the 2016 SISP General Conference.
15/9/2016 - Milan: Coauthor of the paper 'Issue Yield and Party Communication on Twitter: Empirical Assessment of a Novel Research Design' with L. De Sio and A. De Angelis at the 2016 SISP General Conference.
27/4/2016 – Pisa: Coauthor of the paper ‘Everything is changing…or not? Institutionalizing party leader selection rules in Western Europe’ with B. Marino (presenter) at the 2016 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops.
21/4/2016 – Rome: Paper and Presentation ‘From dead calm to adventurous waters. Explaining party system (de-)institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)’ with A. Chiaramonte at the LUISS Conference: ‘Turbulent times. Economic change and political instability in Western democracies. A brainstorming workshop’.
15/4/2016 – Philadelphia: Discussant of the Panel: Rues, Roles, Representations: When and How Institutions Matter, chaired by Tim Haughton at the 23rd International Conference of the Europeanists ‘Resilient Europe?’.
15/4/2016 – Philadelphia: Paper and Presentation ‘From dead calm to adventurous waters. Explaining party system (de-)institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)’ with A. Chiaramonte at the 23rd International Conference of the Europeanists ‘Resilient Europe?’.
8/4/2016 – Chicago: Paper and Presentation ‘Issue Yield and Strategic Party Communication on Twitter: A Case Study’ with L. De Sio e A. De Angelis at the 74th Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
8/4/2016 – Chicago: Paper and Presentation ‘From dead calm to adventurous waters. Explaining party system (de-)institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)’ with A. Chiaramonte at the 74th Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
26/2/2016 – Bologna: Paper and Presentation ‘From dead calm to adventurous waters. Explaining party system (de-)institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)’ with A. Chiaramonte at the ‘Giornata di studi in memoria di Aldo Di Virgilio’ DSPS/SISP/SISE/ITANES.
10-12/9/2015 – Cosenza: Paper and Presentation “From a party system to a ‘candidate system’? Lords of preferences and electoral support in Calabria” with B. Marino at the 2015 SISP General Conference.
8-9/7/2015 – Paris: Participation to the 22nd International Conference of the Europeanists ‘Contradictions. Envisioning European Futures’ organized by CES (Council for European Studies), Sciences Po.
3/7/2015 - Florence: Presentation “Da un sistema di partiti a un sistema di candidati? Un’analisi del voto ai ‘Signori delle Preferenze’ nelle elezioni regionali calabresi del 2010 e del 2014” with B. Marino at the Seminar of electoral studies “2015. Regioni al Voto” organized by SISE (Società Italiana Studi Elettorali).
30/03/2015 – Warsaw: Paper and Presentation “Party System Volatility, Innovation and De-Institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)” at the 2015 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops.
30/03/2015 – Warsaw: Discussant of the paper “Voting and Accountability in a Non-Partisan Election”, presented by Laura B. Stephenson, R. Michael McGregor and Aaron A. Moore at the 2015 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops.
23/01/2015 – Siena: Paper and Presentation “Disentangling electoral volatility and detecting party system de-institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2014)” with A. Chiaramonte at the POPE Workshop.
13/9/2014 – Perugia: Paper and Presentation “Gaining votes in Europe against Europe? The electoral performance of Eurosceptic parties in the 2014 European elections” with N. Maggini and B. Marino at the SISP 2014 General Conference.
12/9/2014 – Perugia: Paper and Presentation “Patterns of party system change in Western Europe. The Italian case in a comparative perspective” with A. Chiaramonte at the SISP 2014 General Conference.
4/9/2014 – Glasgow: Paper and Presentation “Gaining votes in Europe against Europe? The electoral performance of Eurosceptic parties in the 2014 European elections” with N. Maggini and B. Marino at the ECPR General Conference, University of Glasgow.
27/6/2014 – Florence: Presentation “Prendere voti in Europa contro l’Europa? Le performance elettorali dei partiti euroscettici alle europee del 2014” with N. Maggini at the Seminar of electoral studies “2014: Europa e Città al voto” organized by SISE (Società Italiana Studi Elettorali).
10/10/2013 - Dublin: Presentation of the Chapter “Electoral behaviour and within-country contextual effects” with P. Segatti, M. Czesnik, N. Maggini and C. Vezzoni, for the forthcoming book “Electoral Research in Europe: Is there a True European Voter?” edited by J. R. Montero and R. Markowski, Trinity College.
14/9/2013 - Florence: Paper and Presentation “Bipolarismo addio? Il cambiamento del sistema partitico” with A. Chiaramonte at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2013 general conference.
14/9/2013 - Florence: Paper and Presentation “Le primarie del centrosinistra: analisi descrittiva con dati aggregati del primo e del secondo turno” with Stefano Rombi at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2013 general conference.
1/7/2013 - Florence: Presentation “Tradizione senza competizione. Il Pd nelle elezioni politiche 2013” with N. Maggini in the Seminar of electoral studies “Elezioni 2013” organized by SISE (Società Italiana Studi Elettorali).
14/6/2013 - Siena: Paper and Presentation “Vote (de)-nationalization and party system change in Italy (1948-2013)”, at the RISP International Workshop “Politics and Policies in Times of Economic Crisis”, University of Siena.
13/4/2013 - Rhodes: Paper and Presentation “Does party system nationalization affect individual voting behavior? Evidence from 23 European countries”, with N. Maggini, Aristotle University, 2nd European Conference in Comparative Electoral Research.
26/3/2013 - London: Paper and Presentation "De-nationalization of the vote and party system change in Italy (1948-2008), LSE, 5th Graduate Network Conference.
21/3/2013 - Florence: Presentation “Come è cambiato il sistema partitico?” in the Seminar “ Le elezioni politiche 2013: risultati e prospettive”, Polo di Novoli, University of Florence.
15/9/2012 - Rome: Paper and Presentation “Due competizioni dagli esiti imprevedibili: le primarie del centrosinistra e le elezioni comunali a Palermo” at Sisp (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2012 general conference.
13/9/2012 - Rome: Paper and Presentation “(De)-nazionalizzazione del voto e mutamento del sistema partitico italiano” with Alessandro Chiaramonte at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2012 general conference.
13/9/2012 - Rome: Chair of the panel “Elections, territory and de-nationalization of the vote” with A. Chiaramonte at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2012 general conference.
3/7/2012 - Florence: Presentation “Tra frammentazione e personalizzazione: le elezioni comunali a Palermo” in the Seminar of electoral studies “Le amministrative 2012” organized by SISE (Società Italiana Studi Elettorali).
15/9/2011 - Anacapri: Paper and Presentation “Referendum” included in the project “Hyperpolitics” directed by Mauro Calise and Theodore Lowi.
9/9/2011 - Palermo: Paper and Presentation “Riscoprire il territorio: dimensione demografica dei comuni e comportamento elettorale in Italia” at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2011 general conference.
30/6/2011 - Florence: With L. De Sio e A. Paparo, Presentation “Elettori in movimento a Milano e a Napoli” in the Seminar on electoral studies “2011 - Elezioni amministrative e referendum popolari” organized by SISE (Società italiana studi elettorali).
16/11/2010 - La Spezia: Speaker of the Report “La Spezia per i giovani - Formazione scolastica ed aspettative professionali - Indagine sugli Istituti secondari del Comune di La Spezia”.
4/12/2024 - Bologna: Coauthor of the paper 'The 2024 European Parliament elections in Italy' with D. Garzia at the Politica in Italia/Italian Politics seminar, John Hopkins University SAIS Europe.
18/10/2024 - Rome: Chair of the panel 'Il contesto del voto' at the SISE Conference 'Le elezioni europee 2024: comportamento degli elettori, strategie dei partiti, nuove modalità di partecipazione', Palazzo del Viminale.
13/9/2024 - Trieste: Chair of the panel 'The 2024 European Parliament elections in Southern Europe:
Reassessing the national-European political dynamics’ at the 2024 SISP General Conference.
13/9/2024 - Trieste: Co-Chair of the panel '‘Rokkan, the globalisation cleavage or a multitude of new conflicts? Political divides in Europe’ with Mirko Crulli at the 2024 SISP General Conference.
13/9/2024 - Trieste: Coauthor of the paper 'Bringing Rokkan to the 21st Century: the cleavage structure of Western Europe' with Mirko Crulli at the 2024 SISP General Conference.
13/9/2024 - Trieste: Coauthor of the paper 'Lipset and Rokkan meet data: the electoral structuring of traditional cleavages, 1870-1967' with Bruno Marino at the 2024 SISP General Conference.
5/7/2024 - Florence: Coauthor of the paper 'L'Europa meridionale e il modello di secondo ordine: aspettative teoriche ed evidenze empiriche a confronto' with A. Paparo at the 2024 SISE seminar 'Un voto per l'Europa? Le elezioni europee 2024', University of Florence.
6/6/2024 - Rome: Chair of the Panel 'The Politics of the European Union' at the Annual Postgraduate Conference, Luiss.
29/5/2024 - Rome: Participant in the roundtable 'Le elezioni europee 2024: sfide e scenari', Luiss.
3/5/2024 - Florence: Paper and presentation "La presenza didattica della Scienza Politica" with Bruno Marino at Seminario SISP ‘La Scienza Politica Italiana. 50 anni dopo’, Scuola Normale Superiore.
23/4/2024 - Caserta: Presentation 'Il ricorso alla tecnocrazia come soluzione al dilemma responsibility vs. responsiveness? Il ruolo del contesto elettorale', Convegno ‘ Tecnocrazia. Prospettive teoriche e disciplinari a confronto’, Università della Campania ‘L. Vanvitelli’.
5/4/2024 - Chicago: Paper and presentation 'The ‘Dataset of ideological polarization in Western Europe’: data, trends, drivers, and links with other key party system properties (1945-2021)' with Bruno Marino at the 81st Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
25/3/2024 - Lüneburg: Co-author of the paper 'Lipset and Rokkan meet data: the electoral structuring of traditional cleavages, 1870-1967' with Bruno Marino at the 2024 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshop, Leuphana University.
15/9/2023 - Genoa: Co-Chair of the panel 'Party competition and the restructuring of European party systems between old and new conflicts' with Bruno Marino at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
15/9/2023 - Genoa: Paper and presentation 'Party System Types and Party Non-systems in Western Europe' with Alessandro Chiaramonte and Marco Improta at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
14/9/2023 - Genoa: Coauthor of the paper 'Territorio e voto in Italia: una nuova proposta di analisi' with Matteo Cataldi and Nicola Maggini at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
14/9/2023 - Genoa: Paper and presentation 'Il sistema partitico italiano dopo le elezioni del 2022: il processo di deistituzionalizzazione continua' with Alessandro Chiaramonte and Elisa Volpi at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
14/9/2023 - Genoa: Paper and presentation 'Ideological polarization in Western European party systems: a new dataset' with Bruno Marino at the 2023 SISP General Conference.
18/7/2023 - Buenos Aires: Coauthor of the paper 'Left power and the reduction of inequalities in Western Europe (1871-2020)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2023 IPSA World Congress.
17/7/2023 - Buenos Aires: Paper and presentation 'The consequences of technocracy on electoral participation: Evidence from Western Europe (1945-2022)' with Davide Angelucci and Marco Improta at the 2023 IPSA World Congress.
29/6/2023 - Reykjavik: Paper and presentation 'The disconnect between social democratic electoral support and governmental power in Western Europe (1871-2022)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2023 CES Conference.
29/5/2023 - Florence: Paper and presentation 'Territorio e voto in Italia: una nuova proposta di analisi' with Matteo Cataldi and Nicola Maggini at the CISE seminar 'Un polo solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2022'.
29/5/2023 - Florence: Paper and presentation 'Il sistema partitico italiano dopo le elezioni del 2022: il processo di deistituzionalizzazione continua' with Alessandro Chiaramonte and Elisa Volpi at the CISE seminar 'Un polo solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2022'.
26/5/2023 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'Territorio e voto in Italia: una nuova proposta di analisi' with Matteo Cataldi and Nicola Maggini at the 2023 SISE International Conference.
26/5/2023 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'Party system types and party non-systems in Western Europe' with Alessandro Chiaramonte and Marco Improta at the 2023 SISE International Conference.
26/5/2023 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'The consequences of technocracy on electoral participation: Evidence from Western Europe (1945-2021)' with Davide Angelucci and Marco Improta at the 2023 SISE International Conference.
26/5/2023 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'The disconnect between left electoral support and governmental power in
Western Europe (1918-2022)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2023 SISE International Conference.
15/12/2022 - Bologna: Presentation 'Le tre Italie. Voto e territorio nelle elezioni 2022 e confronto con i dati Itanes', ITANES seminar, University of Bologna.
12/12/2022 - Florence: Presentation of the book 'The Deinstitutionalization of Western European Party Systems' (Palgrave 2022) with A. Chiaramonte, CIRES seminar, University of Florence.
28/11/2022 - Milan: Invited speaker at the seminar for the presentation of the book 'Consequences of context. How the Social, Political, and Economic Environment Affects Voting' organized by the spsTREND Lab, University of Milan.
25/11/2022 - Bologna: Presentation 'Il sistema partitico italiano dopo le elezioni del 2022: il processo di deistituzionalizzazione continua' with Alessandro Chiaramonte at the SISE post-electoral seminar 'Elezioni politiche 2022: il boom della destra'.
3/11/2022 - Siena: Coauthor of the paper 'Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility in electorally turbulent times' with Marco Improta, Bruno Marino, and Luca Verzichelli at the Pactum CIRCaP seminar, University of Siena.
19/10/2022 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Left power and the reduction of inequalities in Western Europe' with Federico Trastulli at the Robert Elgie Brown Bag Seminar, Sapienza University of Rome.
6/10/2022 - Rome: Presentation 'Il voto del 25 settembre: discussione a partire dalle analisi del CISE' with all the CISE team at Luiss, Rome.
6/10/2022 - Florence: Presentation 'Le elezioni politiche 2022' as invited speaker at CGIL.
10/9/2022 - Rome: co-Chair of the panel 'The Transformation of European Party Systems' with Marco Valbruzzi at the 2022 SISP General Conference.
10/9/2022 - Rome: Coauthor of the paper 'The disconnect between left electoral support and governmental power in
Western Europe (1918-2021)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2022 SISP General Conference.
9/9/2022 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'The consequences of technocracy on electoral participation: Evidence from Western Europe (1945-2021)' with Davide Angelucci and Marco Improta at the 2022 SISP General Conference.
12/4/2022 - Virtual event: Coauthor of the paper 'Love interrupted? Left power and the pursuit of equality in Western Europe (1900-2020)' with Federico Trastulli presented at the Sciences Po Paris seminar.
10/11/2021 - Rome: Discussant of the paper 'The Left-Right dimension, Europe and Voting in Bailout Europe' by Lea Heyne, Marina Costa Lobo and Roberto Pannico at the Robert Elgie Brown Bag Seminar, Sapienza University of Rome.
11/9/2021 - Virtual event: co-Chair of the panel 'The Left behind: crisis and challenges of the Left in contemporary democracies' with Davide Angelucci at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
11/9/2021 - Virtual event: Coauthor of the paper 'Love interrupted? Left power and the pursuit of equality in Western Europe (1900-2020)' with Federico Trastulli at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
11/9/2021 - Virtual event: Paper and presentation 'Class cleavage structuring in Western Europe: a sealed fate?' at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
9/9/2021 - Virtual event: Paper and presentation 'La competizione politica in Italia' with Alessandro Chiaramonte at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
9/9/2021 - Virtual event: Coauthor of the paper 'Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility after electoral change in Western Europe' at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
9/9/2021 - Virtual event: Discussant of the paper 'Are we all in the same boat? Voting in critical times in Southern Europe' by Marco Giuliani (University of Milan) at the 2021 SISP General Conference.
14/7/2021 - Virtual event: Paper and presentation 'Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility after electoral change in Western Europe' with Marco Improta, Bruno Marino, and Luca Verizchelli the 26th IPSA World Congress.
24/6/2021 - Virtual event: Chair of the Panel 'Populism and Niche Parties in a Changing Environment'at the 27th International Conference of Europeanists.
22/6/2021 - Virtual event: Paper and presentation 'Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility after electoral change in Western Europe' with Marco Improta, Bruno Marino, and Luca Verizchelli at the 27th International Conference of Europeanists.
16/6/2021 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Love interrupted? Left power and the pursuit of equality in Western Europe (1871-2020)' at the CISE seminar series, Luiss.
25/5/2021 - Siena: Paper and presentation 'Love interrupted? Left power and the pursuit of equality in Western Europe (1871-2020)' at the CIRCaP Jean Blondel Tuesday Seminar, University of Siena.
21/4/2021 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'A sealed fate? Modeling class cleavage structuring in Western Europe' at the DiSP Research Seminar, Luiss.
6/12/2019 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Bloc without foundations. Class cleavage strength and class bloc support in Western Europe after WWII' at the 12th International Conference SISE, Luiss.
6/12/2019 - Rome: Coauthor of the paper 'Going out of the ordinary. The de-institutionalization of the Italian party system in comparative perspective', with Alessandro Chiaramonte at the 12th International Conference SISE, Luiss.
5/12/2019 - Rome: Chair and Discussant of the panel 'Elections and political participation' at the 12th International Conference SISE, Luiss.
5-6/12/2019 - Rome: Member of the Conference Scientific Board of the SISE 12th International Conference.
2/12/2019 - Florence: Paper and presentation 'Frattura di classe e voto ai partiti di sinistra in Europa occidentale: continuità e mutamenti tra il 1945 e il 2018', with Alessandro Chiaramonte, Consiglio regionale della Toscana.
22/11/2019 - Bologna: Paper and presentation ''The congealing of a new cleavage? The demarcation bloc between identity and competition in the European Parliament elections', with Bruno Marino and Davide Angelucci at the ITANES seminar.
16/11/2019 - Bologna: Paper and presentation 'Il successo di Salvini e il crollo del Movimento Cinque Stelle. Le elezioni europee del 2019' with A. Chiaramonte and L. De Sio at the seminar 'Politica in Italia/Italian Politics. Edizione 2020', John Hopkins School of advanced international studies.
16/11/2019 - Bologna: Discussant of the paper 'Separati ma non troppo: i partiti di centro destra tra governo e opposizione' by Elisabetta De Giorgi at the seminar 'Politica in Italia/Italian Politics. Edizione 2020', John Hopkins School of advanced international studies.
9-10/11/2019 - Loccum: Invited speaker at the Conference 'Italien - Im Würgegriff des Populismus? L’Italia nella morsa del populismo?', Evangelische Akademie Loccum.
5-6/12/2019 - Rome: Member of the Conference Scientific Board of the SISE 12th International Conference, LUISS.
14/9/2019 - Lecce: Paper and presentation 'The congealing of a new cleavage? The demarcation bloc between identity and competition in the European Parliament elections', with Bruno Marino and Davide Angelucci at the XXXIII SISP Conference.
14/9/2019 - Lecce: Coauthor of the paper 'Party system institutionalization and its consequences on democracy', with Alessandro Chiaramonte at the XXXIII SISP Conference.
13/9/2019 - Lecce: Coauthor of the paper 'Unexpected partners? The evolving political profiles of the Lega and M5S voters in Italy, 2013-2018 ', with Andres Santana and Jose Rama at the XXXIII SISP Conference.
12/9/2019 - Lecce: Paper and presentation 'Bloc without foundations? Class cleavage strength and class bloc electoral support in Western Europe after WWII', at the XXXIII SISP Conference.
29/8/2019 - Washington: Paper and presentation 'Party system de-institutionalization and its consequences on democracy', 114th APSA Conference.
4/7/2019 - Genoa: Paper and presentation 'The congealing of a new cleavage? The demarcation bloc in the European Parliament elections', SISE-POPE-ITANES Conference 'Europa al voto. Tra sfida nazionalista ed europeista', University of Genoa.
20/6/2019 - Madrid: Paper and presentation 'Party system de-institutionalization and its consequences on democracy', 26th International Conference of Europeanists, Carlos III University.
28/3/2019 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Party (system) crashers? Trajectories of genuinely new parties in Western Europe after 1945', with A. Sikk, LUISS CISE Seminar.
14/3/2019 - Rome: Coauthor of the paper 'Party Systems and Factionalism in Western Europe', with B. Marino, LUISS CISE Seminar.
6/12/2018 - Rome: Paper and presentation 'Party system institutionalization: Towards a new, comprehensive approach', LUISS CISE Seminar.
6-8/9/2018 - Turin: Paper and presentation 'Il mutamento del sistema partitico italiano dopo le elezioni 2018', with A. Chiaramonte at the XXXII SISP Conference.
6-8/9/2018 - Turin: Paper and presentation 'Lo spazio della competizione e le strategie dei partiti', with N. Maggini and A. Paparo at the XXXII SISP Conference.
29/8-2/9/2018 - Boston: IPoster presentation 'Patterns of Party System De-Institutionalization in Western Europe. Towards a Comprehensive Approach', with A. Chiaramonte at the 2018 APSA General Conference, University of Boston.
22-25/8/2018 - Hamburg: Paper and presentation ‘Party (System) Crashers? Success and Failure of Genuinely New Parties in Western Europe (1945-2017)', with A. Sikk at the 2018 ECPR General Conference, University of Hamburg.
22-25/8/2018 - Hamburg: Paper and presentation ‘Patterns of Party System De-Institutionalization in Western Europe. Towards a Comprehensive Approach', with A. Chiaramonte at the 2018 ECPR General Conference, University of Hamburg.
25-26/6/2018 - Vienna: Coauthor of the paper 'The Hidden Side of Parties: The Effective Number of Factions in Western Europe (1965-2016) and its Determinants', with B. Marino and N.M. Diodati at the 2018 Party Congress Research Group Workshop ‘Intra-Party Politics in the Modern Era’, University of Vienna.
10/5/2018 - Salerno: Paper and presentation ‘Il terzo sistema partitico Gli effetti del Rosatellum e la nuova geografia del voto', with S. Vassallo at the SISE-SISP-ITANES Conference 'Elezioni politiche e regionali 2017-2018', at the University of Salerno.
22-23/3/2018 - Florence: Paper and presentation 'New parties and party system change in Western Euope', with A. Chiaramonte at the Conference 'Political parties in comparative perspective' held at Georgetown University and New York University in Florence.
16/9/2017 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'Il voto degli iscritti per l'elezione diretta del segretario. Partecipazione e competizione nei circoli del Pd', with S. Rombi at the XXXI SISP Conference.
15/9/2017 - Urbino: Paper and presentation 'In search of the determinants of electoral volatility in 31 European polities: differences and similarities between West and East', with A. Chiaramonte and S. Soare at the XXXI SISP Conference.
14/9/2017 - Urbino: Coauthor of the paper 'The hidden side of parties. The Effective Number of Factions in Western Europe (1965-2015)', with B. Marino and N. Martocchia Diodati at the XXXI SISP Conference.
8/9/2017 - Oslo: Coauthor of the paper ‘Does the iron curtain still exist? The convergence in electoral volatility between Eastern and Western Europe since 1990’, with A. Chiaramonte and S. Soare at the ECPR General Conference.
12-14/7/2017 – Glasgow: Participation to the 24nd International Conference of the Europeanists ‘Sustainability and Transformation’ organized by CES (Council for European Studies), University of Glasgow.
1/6-31/7/2017: Visiting researcher at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Host and supervisor: Professor José Ramón Montero.
6/4/2017 - Chicago: Paper and presentation ‘Does the iron curtain still exist? The convergence in electoral volatility between Eastern and Western Europe since 1990’, with A. Chiaramonte and S. Soare at the 75th Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
14/1/2017 - Turin: Coauthor of the paper 'Does the iron curtain still exist? Trends and sources of electoral volatility between Eastern and Western Europe (1990-2016)' with S. Soare and A. Chiaramonte at the Political Studies Association’s Italian Politics and Antipolitics Specialist Groups 'European democracy under stress'.
15/11/2016 – Rome: Paper and presentation ‘Party system (de-)institutionalization: from theory to measurement’ at the LUISS lunch research seminar.
12/11/2016 - Bologna: Paper and presentation 'Le elezioni amministrative di giugno' with N. Maggini at the Political in Italia/Italian Politics Edizione 2017 Conference.
16/9/2016 - Milan: Paper and presentation 'A growing impact of new parties: mith or reality? Party system innovation in Western Europe after 1945' with A. Chiaramonte at the 2016 SISP General Conference.
16/9/2016 - Milan: Paper and presentation 'Does the iron curtain still exist? Trends and sources of electoral volatility between Eastern and Western Europe (1990-2015)' with A. Chiaramonte at the 2016 SISP General Conference.
15/9/2016 - Milan: Coauthor of the paper 'Issue Yield and Party Communication on Twitter: Empirical Assessment of a Novel Research Design' with L. De Sio and A. De Angelis at the 2016 SISP General Conference.
27/4/2016 – Pisa: Coauthor of the paper ‘Everything is changing…or not? Institutionalizing party leader selection rules in Western Europe’ with B. Marino (presenter) at the 2016 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops.
21/4/2016 – Rome: Paper and Presentation ‘From dead calm to adventurous waters. Explaining party system (de-)institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)’ with A. Chiaramonte at the LUISS Conference: ‘Turbulent times. Economic change and political instability in Western democracies. A brainstorming workshop’.
15/4/2016 – Philadelphia: Discussant of the Panel: Rues, Roles, Representations: When and How Institutions Matter, chaired by Tim Haughton at the 23rd International Conference of the Europeanists ‘Resilient Europe?’.
15/4/2016 – Philadelphia: Paper and Presentation ‘From dead calm to adventurous waters. Explaining party system (de-)institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)’ with A. Chiaramonte at the 23rd International Conference of the Europeanists ‘Resilient Europe?’.
8/4/2016 – Chicago: Paper and Presentation ‘Issue Yield and Strategic Party Communication on Twitter: A Case Study’ with L. De Sio e A. De Angelis at the 74th Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
8/4/2016 – Chicago: Paper and Presentation ‘From dead calm to adventurous waters. Explaining party system (de-)institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)’ with A. Chiaramonte at the 74th Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
26/2/2016 – Bologna: Paper and Presentation ‘From dead calm to adventurous waters. Explaining party system (de-)institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)’ with A. Chiaramonte at the ‘Giornata di studi in memoria di Aldo Di Virgilio’ DSPS/SISP/SISE/ITANES.
10-12/9/2015 – Cosenza: Paper and Presentation “From a party system to a ‘candidate system’? Lords of preferences and electoral support in Calabria” with B. Marino at the 2015 SISP General Conference.
8-9/7/2015 – Paris: Participation to the 22nd International Conference of the Europeanists ‘Contradictions. Envisioning European Futures’ organized by CES (Council for European Studies), Sciences Po.
3/7/2015 - Florence: Presentation “Da un sistema di partiti a un sistema di candidati? Un’analisi del voto ai ‘Signori delle Preferenze’ nelle elezioni regionali calabresi del 2010 e del 2014” with B. Marino at the Seminar of electoral studies “2015. Regioni al Voto” organized by SISE (Società Italiana Studi Elettorali).
30/03/2015 – Warsaw: Paper and Presentation “Party System Volatility, Innovation and De-Institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2015)” at the 2015 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops.
30/03/2015 – Warsaw: Discussant of the paper “Voting and Accountability in a Non-Partisan Election”, presented by Laura B. Stephenson, R. Michael McGregor and Aaron A. Moore at the 2015 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops.
23/01/2015 – Siena: Paper and Presentation “Disentangling electoral volatility and detecting party system de-institutionalization in Western Europe (1945-2014)” with A. Chiaramonte at the POPE Workshop.
13/9/2014 – Perugia: Paper and Presentation “Gaining votes in Europe against Europe? The electoral performance of Eurosceptic parties in the 2014 European elections” with N. Maggini and B. Marino at the SISP 2014 General Conference.
12/9/2014 – Perugia: Paper and Presentation “Patterns of party system change in Western Europe. The Italian case in a comparative perspective” with A. Chiaramonte at the SISP 2014 General Conference.
4/9/2014 – Glasgow: Paper and Presentation “Gaining votes in Europe against Europe? The electoral performance of Eurosceptic parties in the 2014 European elections” with N. Maggini and B. Marino at the ECPR General Conference, University of Glasgow.
27/6/2014 – Florence: Presentation “Prendere voti in Europa contro l’Europa? Le performance elettorali dei partiti euroscettici alle europee del 2014” with N. Maggini at the Seminar of electoral studies “2014: Europa e Città al voto” organized by SISE (Società Italiana Studi Elettorali).
10/10/2013 - Dublin: Presentation of the Chapter “Electoral behaviour and within-country contextual effects” with P. Segatti, M. Czesnik, N. Maggini and C. Vezzoni, for the forthcoming book “Electoral Research in Europe: Is there a True European Voter?” edited by J. R. Montero and R. Markowski, Trinity College.
14/9/2013 - Florence: Paper and Presentation “Bipolarismo addio? Il cambiamento del sistema partitico” with A. Chiaramonte at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2013 general conference.
14/9/2013 - Florence: Paper and Presentation “Le primarie del centrosinistra: analisi descrittiva con dati aggregati del primo e del secondo turno” with Stefano Rombi at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2013 general conference.
1/7/2013 - Florence: Presentation “Tradizione senza competizione. Il Pd nelle elezioni politiche 2013” with N. Maggini in the Seminar of electoral studies “Elezioni 2013” organized by SISE (Società Italiana Studi Elettorali).
14/6/2013 - Siena: Paper and Presentation “Vote (de)-nationalization and party system change in Italy (1948-2013)”, at the RISP International Workshop “Politics and Policies in Times of Economic Crisis”, University of Siena.
13/4/2013 - Rhodes: Paper and Presentation “Does party system nationalization affect individual voting behavior? Evidence from 23 European countries”, with N. Maggini, Aristotle University, 2nd European Conference in Comparative Electoral Research.
26/3/2013 - London: Paper and Presentation "De-nationalization of the vote and party system change in Italy (1948-2008), LSE, 5th Graduate Network Conference.
21/3/2013 - Florence: Presentation “Come è cambiato il sistema partitico?” in the Seminar “ Le elezioni politiche 2013: risultati e prospettive”, Polo di Novoli, University of Florence.
15/9/2012 - Rome: Paper and Presentation “Due competizioni dagli esiti imprevedibili: le primarie del centrosinistra e le elezioni comunali a Palermo” at Sisp (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2012 general conference.
13/9/2012 - Rome: Paper and Presentation “(De)-nazionalizzazione del voto e mutamento del sistema partitico italiano” with Alessandro Chiaramonte at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2012 general conference.
13/9/2012 - Rome: Chair of the panel “Elections, territory and de-nationalization of the vote” with A. Chiaramonte at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2012 general conference.
3/7/2012 - Florence: Presentation “Tra frammentazione e personalizzazione: le elezioni comunali a Palermo” in the Seminar of electoral studies “Le amministrative 2012” organized by SISE (Società Italiana Studi Elettorali).
15/9/2011 - Anacapri: Paper and Presentation “Referendum” included in the project “Hyperpolitics” directed by Mauro Calise and Theodore Lowi.
9/9/2011 - Palermo: Paper and Presentation “Riscoprire il territorio: dimensione demografica dei comuni e comportamento elettorale in Italia” at SISP (Società italiana di Scienza Politica) 2011 general conference.
30/6/2011 - Florence: With L. De Sio e A. Paparo, Presentation “Elettori in movimento a Milano e a Napoli” in the Seminar on electoral studies “2011 - Elezioni amministrative e referendum popolari” organized by SISE (Società italiana studi elettorali).
16/11/2010 - La Spezia: Speaker of the Report “La Spezia per i giovani - Formazione scolastica ed aspettative professionali - Indagine sugli Istituti secondari del Comune di La Spezia”.